Thursday, June 08, 2023


What I hope our children will reject from our past

 Just to remind all you good searchers ( cf the 'found and the confounded at the ABC )that our hope should never be in the press ( sorry Sky News Australia )and those who wannabe famous for telling us things , but on those who study things to show themselves fully able to weigh up real life tensions.

Its now nearly 15 years since our very own professor Ian Plimer told us why we should not worry about C02 . Time to listen to him again Some of the key reasons for not worrying are the known determinism between C02 and photosynthesis, demonstrated in the curves of content in gelogical history and the known quick freeze scenario if incoming radiation didn't hit the earth daily .Explore more with Ian in his 500 page outline, full of citations and relevant and accepted science on this complex business. Why educated people respect the press more than those whose study has shown them " approved " beats me , When you come from the bush ( et al Nazareth ) , it seems, the system thinks you know nothing. This blog , and it seems Sky News Melbourne exists to show otherwise. There are a lot of challlenges our children will face ( eg Higher costs of energy ,debt from diversion by my generation into old and ineffective technologies , very few fossil fuels, dumb debt to allay false fear ) but my generations unwise worrying about what damage our CO2 production will do is not one of them . Our children will at least have enough sense to burn alkanes made from algae and keep growing things on this parched Savannah for the rest of the world to eat . Let's hope they do it with some sense of justice for all in their use of the commonwealth of earth's resources. Most serious of all for our children , is that , unless my or their generation insist on properly training the young to do the integration of the physics , chemistry , physiology ,engineering, geology, fluid and radiation science on the ground , our children won't realize for some time yet that MY generation have been misled into the wasted space of fear guilt and misanthropy by those who virtually know nothing. ( but the power of the media ) Our dear children, friends and ground truthers here on the land could be doing much more rewarding and interesting stuff right now , by working more closely with the resilient earth than they are now. Be very careful how you vote young people and once you have studied the risks, take them, wisely, as nature does .

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