Sunday, April 01, 2012


When the Fanatical get desperate

They repeat themselves .What worked before surely will work again, they say to themselves .Sure we may need a new angle - to dress up the old in the new . Boy that always tricks the other conservative party and pleases the easily pleased reactionaries in our midst
 but what if the new clothes are now the invisible clothes and the careless clothes have real holes .What if we change too often . Labor and their staunch defenders can't work out why their song is no longer being sung . The religious always woory to much about what they are wearing  rather than  in what they are being.
The insiders ( ABCTV) have become outsiders . Well it always was a risk - they,   like Q&Aare  more interested in playing  Machiavellian than playing ball.
People in power are now showing off their desperation   because they have been wearing the old stuff underneath as a badge of honour for years . Nothing better symbolizes this in ABC media than the failure of the potentially  useful show Insiders to recognise  its desperate efforts to shore up the old . The totally over exposed and tired old David Maher waxes lyrical and long and Barrie tries to maintain the rage over statistics as though he knows what he is doing with them - nearly sending us all to sleep or hunting for a switch .  It wouldn't matter who else they had on,  they are always moving on in ways that are quite predictable and  reflective of the birdbath depth of water in which they are often splashing .
 Even the occasional child in the audience notices that the new angle on the old is worn to please, but actually  looks and smells just like cheese .  Barrie Cassidy should know that his bright shirts are a giveaway.
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