Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Half right is NOT good enough

Like Yes minister polys watch UtopiaABC without really getting it . Half right is not right 
Unfortunately I heard our new PM Malcolm Turnbull utter the silly shallow condemnation of the past in one of his first speeches. What's old should not always been thrown out !

Yes I know new technology should be sought, but as CSIRO and Finkel have also reminded us, we need people to study basic sciences to KNOW which technologies of the future will be ones we should BUILD ON/ leave behind -- More money is wasted by polys in supporting experiments THEY think are important than ones WE think and KNOW are critical to clever Country . Many of my family are innovators - all areas of industry are NOT the same 

We don't need polys second guessing the future and basing their hopes on some simple faith in next week and "progress" - look at the rubbish pile our current culture generates ( where is real conservation ?) and look what UTOPIA ABC is saying bout the dictates from on high .
 Those who do not study the past are condemned to repeat it , Careers are only achieved by commitment and we have less and less people in them despite all the people going to universities .L
let us properly get on with our jobs - mentor others to do them. 
Malcolm Turnbull is misguided in thinking and saying the future is always in the new - how much does he really know about the hard slog of real progress in science ; the teamwork required by studying what past says and mentoring young people in jobs that are no longer there because " something new is better" He is a follower not an innovator in this mistaken point he makes . 
Effective Innovation  based as it is on people now long dead or sick of applying for grants from Canberra name callers 

We don't need more clones of crystal clear simplicities like Lehman( Utopia) 
If you don't get this - you aren't a scientist.  DO not try to speak for us ask us and act on our more promising view of the possibilities 

These things ( not this model) still are main efficient way of supplying water to our dairy industry  many others have been tried 


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