Thursday, May 10, 2012


Get it right the first time

At the heart of the West's success is , and always will be  a commitment to" getting it right " : not just half doing things ,but cutting to very little waste .Productivity is the margin  you get if you don't waste too much in the process.  
Use the word sin  cause its nothing personal and goes straight to the productivity issue. 
It was clear to me having grown up in the organisation that invented Landcare that half the stuff that State and Commonwealth heads were selling  as empowering methodologies were actually incomplete and quite ineffective . In its infancy at the time , the profession of resilience training was being undermined by its own advocates .The baby was being thrown out with the bath water - ask your local politician "where in the clever country you can study reslilience development" . Be warned there will plenty soon to say they can . 
You may not always be able to tell the truth as a poly but it sure helps to be ahead of the debate - the pathetic and backward adherence to the Politically correct.   You herad it first from Emperor's academy 11may 2012

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